Discussion Questions
1. What reasons do Christians have for being filled with hope?
Because God offers eternal life to all people, if they wish to accept it.
2. How can a Christian show that he or she hopes in a life beyond death?
Prayer, going to church etc.
3. If you have ever attended a Catholic funeral, recall the ideas that came through the service. Certainly there would have been a feeling of sadness, but did any other feelings or ideas come through to you?
Priest would talk about eternal life and how God has taken the person. Or the person has returned home.
4. Catholics often use the term heaven to refer to life after death. What do you understand by this term?
Heaven or Paradise is for me everyone's home in the end.
5. Develop an explanation of the word "heaven " for someone who does not know what the word means.
Heaven is a real place and can be known as paradise and your home when your journey on this earth ends.
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