List each aspect of a Belief include a brief summary and a Christian example.
A belief in a religion is an idea which people/followers in the religion hold to be sincerely true.
1. RITUALS; Christians have the celebration of the Eucharist, Christmas, Easter and sacraments.
2. SYMBOLS; Cross (and/or) Crucifix are a powerful and meaningful symbol of Christ's Sacrifice
3. VALUES & LAWS; For Christians it is the Bible especially the Ten commandments and the New Commandment to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love thy neighbour as yourself.
4. STORIES & LITERATURE; Christians have the stories and literature from the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as well as stories about Saints, Holy people , Religious practices as well as letters, directives and written advice from church leaders.
5. SOCIAL STRUCTURE; which relates to the the religion is organised, the roles that people have in it and places for worship. example; Christians have priests, bishops, nuns and sisters, cardinals & the Pope and we tend to worship in a church, cathedral, chapel etc.
6. SACRED TEXT; The text that is the centre of the religion example; For Christians it is the Bible including the Old & New Testaments.
7. INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE; What it means to be apart of the religion. example; Christians can pray anytime, in church, at home, school etc. Also it's how followers of the Religion get involved for example; reading at church, being part of the band/choir for the church.
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