Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mary of Nazareth

What does the name “Mary” mean?

Wise woman

Mother of Jesus,  virgin, New testament




·         Eaten Jewish foods (kosher)

·         Observed holy days

·         Known Jewish laws

Rich, poor, destitute – Mary was poor

A)     Writing for a particular audience

B)      Conveying ideas about Jesus and God


That everyone is his family – (everyone who believes in God is his family)

Role model, but also human with normal emotions, failings etc.


It was against social normality at the time, could be dangerous for her.

Care for her child and educate them in Jewish religion.

Jesus’s birth, Joseph’s point of view followed by Genealogy

John’s Gospel includes – wedding of Cana, Mary witnessed the crucifixion of her son


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Bible as Literature


Why do Humans like stories?
Humans like stories because its entertainment, and teaches us life lessons and can either teach about the world or even ourselves.

How are Bible Stories different to modern stories?
Bible stories are written with only a few details provided and much information is inferred or even omitted.

What is the significance of location in Adam &Eve and story of Jonah?
The significance of the location in these stories is that it provides symbolic meaning for example; In the garden of eden it symbolises the simplicity and innocence of Adam and Eve's life before they disobeyed God.
when Jonah is trapped inside the belly of a huge fish, the setting symbolises the imprisonment of Jonah’s futile attempt to flee from what God was telling him to do.

What does the term poetic justice mean, why does the bible use it in the stories?     
poetic justice means good will always win over evil in the end. So God will reward those who are good and seek him. The bible uses it as a message of hope and faith.
Why does the Bible have stories about Heroes?
The bibles have stories about heros because it gives an example about how to treat people and how to live your life according to Gods word. And it also gives an example of qualities like humility, courage etc.
 What is an epic story? What are two epic stories in the Bible?
An epic story is built around a hero who does something extraordinary like Moses or David. But it is also a representation of a nation. two examples are;
  • Exodus:
    Exodus 1-20 (pages 79-117), Numbers 10-17 (pages 218-234), Numbers 20-24 (pages 238-249), Deuteronomy 32-34 (pages 318-325)
  • David:
    1 Samuel 16-17 (pages 442-446), 2 Samuel 5-19 (pages 473-498)

    What are parables?
    Parables are masterful storytelling at its most candid. And traditionally they are oral.

    Why are they used by Jesus?
     Jesus used it to teach and  spread the word of the father as it states in the Gospels.

    LESSON 4

    How much of the Bible is written in Poetry?
    Approximately one-third of the bible is written in poetry

    What are the main poetic ingredients? Include a brief description of each one?
  • Imagery.
    The use of words to paint pictures, evoking a concrete sensory experience of people, places, and things: “He makes me lie down in green pastures” (Psalm 23:1).
    • Simile.
      A comparison between two things that uses “like” or “as” — A is like B: “They are like trees planted by streams of water” (Psalm 1:3).
    • Metaphor.
      A comparison between two things that forgoes “like” or “as” to say that A is B: “The Lord is my shepherd” (Psalm 23:1).
    • Apostrophe.
      Addressing someone absent as though the person (or people) were present: “Depart from me, all you workers of evil” (Psalm 6:8).
    • Personification.
      Endowing a non-human subject with human attributes or actions: “Let the hills sing together for joy” (Psalm 98:8).
    • Hyperbole.
      Conscious exaggeration for emotional effect: “By my God I can leap over a wall” (Psalm 18:29).
    Read Psalm 23, describe the scene?
    The scene is very picturesque and very inspirational.

    What is the difference between
    Synonymous Parallelism & Antithetic Parallelism
  • Synonymous Parallelism is  saying the same thing in similar grammatical form:
  • Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
    Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. (Psalm 1:5)

  • Antithetic Parallelism is  saying the same thing in contrasting ways:
  • For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
    But the way of the wicked will perish. (Psalm 1:6)

    LESSON 5
    What is a proverb? List one example
    Proverbs in the Bible are Words to the Wise
    example; A gentle tongue is a tree of life. (proverbs 15.4)

    What is satire? list one bible example
    Biblical Satire tells it like it is
    example;The Book of Jonah

    What are letters? what to they consist of? (parts of the letter)
    A letter is a form of information and are used to communicate with others.
    they consist of opening or salutation, thanksgiving, main body, moral exhortations, closing.

    Name one person that wrote letters to deliver a message in the bible?

    Name one part of the Bible letters appear in?
    The book of Revelation

    LESSON 6
    What are Gospels?
    The Gospels are eye witness stories from the bible

    what are they about?
    the Gospels are about the life of Jesus

    Who wrote them?
    Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

    List 3 types of stories in them

    Nativity stories
    Calling or vocation stories
    witness stories


    Monday, February 18, 2013

    Old Testament Laws

    To know worship and love text book page 20

    (a) the preparation of a grain offering; this verse means that when you do something for God, you need to do it with the most divine and purest intentions inorder for  the father to accept it.

    (G) the sabbatical year; this means to keep the sabbath holy as God rested on the 7th day.

    Definitions of Literary forms in the Old Testament

    Humour; a comic, absurd or incongruous quality causing amusement

    Irony; The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning

    Fable; a short tale/story  to teach a moral lesson, often with animals or inanimate objects as chracters

    Genealogies; a record or account of the ancestry and descent of a person, family, group etc.

    Laws; the body of rules and principles governing the affairs of a community

    Dreams; a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occuring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep

    Myth; an attempt to explain how things came to be

    Poetry; literary work in metrical form

    Proverb; a short popular saying, usually of unknown or ancient origin, that expresses effectively some common place truth or useful thought.

    Sermon; a speech/address for the purpose of religious instruction

    Prophecy; an utterance or message often given by a prophet about the future

    History; the record of past events and times

    Legend; a story, which tells about the lives of great and revered ancestors or figures of the past.

    List; an itemized series of names, words etc. usually recored in a set order.

    Wednesday, February 13, 2013

    Role Play Activity

    Creation, Genesis
    NARRATOR: In the Beginning, God created everything, he created the heavens and the earth, this was done over a period of 7 days according to the bible.
    GOD: "Let there be light"
    NARRATOR: and light appeared, then God seperated the light from the dark
    GOD: "I call the light day, and the darkness, night."
    NARRATOR: And there was also evening and morning, and this was the first day. Then he separated the waters from the waters
    GOD: "Let there be the sky and let there be the ground filled with water"
    NARRATOR: "Then God seperated the land from the water"
    GOD: "I call the the land, earth and the water, the seas"
    NARRATOR: God decided it looked a bit empty so he created flora
    GOD:  "Let the earth sprout vegetation,plants yeilding seed and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind on the earth"
    NARRATOR: Then God created the signs and seasons for the days and years and all the stars. Then God created creatures
    GOD: "Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens"
    NARRATOR: And God Blessed them
    GOD:  "Be Fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth".
    NARRTOR: Then God decided to bring forth living creatures according to their kinds-livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds. Then God created MAN
    GOD: "Let us make man in our image after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the seas and over the birds of the sky and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping that creeps on the earth.
    NARRATOR: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them.

    Wednesday, February 6, 2013


    Read Page 13

    What is a Myth?
    A myth is a particular kind of sacred story or narrative that deals with the mysteries of life.

    Is Genesis intended as a Myth or a Literal Story?
    Genesis is of Literal stories! An example of a literal event is the creation of Light. God created Light first because everything needs light to thrive. - God is light, his being is Light, he eminates light. For example, scientists have discovered that the main bulding blocks of life is Light: plants need light, we need light etc.

    Why did the author use a Myth?
    The authors of the bible uses Myths because they were not actually there when the earth was formed.

    Tuesday, February 5, 2013

    Different types of Communication

    Literary Forms of the Old Testament

    Literal-use the true or actual meaning of the word

    Figurative lanuage- uses images and comparisons to help a reader visualise the situation. It includes similes and metaphors.

    Much of the Old Testament uses Figurative Lanuage.

    To Know Whorship and Love Page 11 activity

    The Purpose of the Author
    Travelling Down Under
    To educate tourists about Australia. Perhaps includes restaurants, malls, tourist cites etc. And also to provide information
    A collection of the poems of Les Murray
    To entertain and possibly educate people about certain subject matters.
    Aboriginal Creation Myths from Arnhem Land
    To propose an hypothesis of how the world came to be and also to entertain children by stories.
    The Collected Letters of the Australian Novelist,
    Patrick White
    To educate people on his life, or what emotions he felt at certain points in his life etc. (to create an insight on his life and what he did and how he communicated) and can also be a story or historical document
    The Seven Wives of Henry Eighth,
    Either to educate or entertain using non-fictional or fictional literature as a story or play.
    Heroes and Heroines: A collection of short biographies of war heroes and heroines
    A secondary source of influential and inspirational people throughout history whom might have contributed to modern society.
    The moral fables of the elders: A collection of Jewish stories for children
    To entertain and teach about the Jewish
    moral ways of life but in a form so that is fun and easy for children to understand

    Monday, February 4, 2013

    Bible Basics

    The Bible is the oldest book.
    It is a collection of books.

    It was written over a period of thousands of years, by many different writers.

    All of the writers agree over the message given and claim that they wrote down the word of God.

    Holy Bible means a "Separate Book"
    66 individual books
    Old Testament: 39 books
    New Testament:27 books

    Old Testament
    The Law
    Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
    'The Books of Moses'. In the Hebrew Scripture these books are called the Torah.

    Historical Books
    These books describe the history of Israel from the death of Moses to the establishment of the kingdom under Saul, David and Solomon;

    Poetic books
    Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon.

    The Prophets
    Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jonah, The opening verses of these books will usually say at which period of history the prophets preached.

    The New Testament

    The Gospels
    Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
    The Gospel writers tell us about the birth of Jesus, his ministry and teaching, his crucifixion and resurrection.

    The full name is 'The Acts of the Apostles' and the book describes the spread of Christianity and the missonary journeys of Paul.

    These were written by Paul to the new churches.